Friday, April 21, 2017


Today in class we worked on presentations while viewing about 20 more minutes of The Odyssey. Presentations start on Monday and we will have 2 presentations per day. Remember you are to take notes during the presentations and we will have an open book test at the end of the presentations.


I also collected the work on “Theseus and the Minotaur” to make comments on for you. I will be assigning a different reading that will be marked. “Theseus and the Minotaur” is for me to let you know what I (and the markers of the OSSLT) are looking for.


Finally, I handed out an article called “Mythology”. You are to read and make notes/highlight key points on this article. Your focus for your notes is the question: “Is this a valid article? / What makes a credible source of information when researching?” I have a story to share after you are done this. You have 2 MSIP periods to work on this as we have class last on Monday.